
My Favorite Podcasts in 2021

2 minute read Published:

My choice of podcast mostly follows my interests otherwise: technology, business, software engineering. The podcasts listed below are the top picks among my subscriptions.

2021: The Year of Progressive Web Apps

3 minute read Published:

In 2021, progressive web apps will be the choice of more app developers than ever before. New APIs, absence of gatekeepers, lower development cost, their cross-platform nature, instant updates and the push by Google and Amazon will make them the optimal choice for most situations.

Dear FinTech companies, be careful with external scripts

2 minute read Published:

Just last week I installed a Chrome extension called Privacy Badger. It is supposed to protect you from third party scripts included on websites that might track you. It does that by checking content loaded from other third-party domains. The side effect of this extension was that you suddenly begin to notice which sites include external scripts. I’d say I am not surprised by them on social media sites and other sites where I mostly consume the content.