
My Favorite Podcasts in 2021

2 minute read Published:

My choice of podcast mostly follows my interests otherwise: technology, business, software engineering. The podcasts listed below are the top picks among my subscriptions.

2021: The Year of Progressive Web Apps

3 minute read Published:

In 2021, progressive web apps will be the choice of more app developers than ever before. New APIs, absence of gatekeepers, lower development cost, their cross-platform nature, instant updates and the push by Google and Amazon will make them the optimal choice for most situations.

Slovenian hosting providers with PHP 7

1 minute read Published:

Slovenian hosting providers with PHP 7 PHP 7 has been released months ago. Increased performance makes upgrading a really attractive option. Some of us still remember the long transition that took place when PHP 5 has been released. That’s why it was interesting to see state of PHP 7 support today. I posted an email to the most popular shared hosting providers in Slovenia. I asked them about state of PHP support and their decision making process.